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  • he tried to find problem from software but couldnt. i so angry, im going to go to that shop tomorrow and twist their noses into their arses ffs. but yeah, 95% of the time, it works every time.
    suddernly it just freezez and only option is to cut power and start from beginning, not very reliable, eh
    dude, im at work. you cant believe my luck. i got new computer (toshiba L755-149) but it has somekind of bug too. comp.genius friend tries to fix it tonight,
    i cant believe why computers cant handle my clubbing
    :D haha, i got refund, no worries. ill have to start concetrating to game now, whole saturday with football, perfect! SB time, dude. cheers :)
    can you believe it, my new computer lasted 5 days. it ****ing broke down. getting new one from the shop next week. it had somekind of marburg-virus or aids.
    Thanks man, I'll be catching some z's then, will catch up later!
    my old computer surely had somekind of aids. i threw it away, bought a new one yesterday, getting it tonight. after i get out of work. tomorrows gonna be exiting...drenthe out :(
    still without in coffee break at work.
    gonna buy HP or Toshiba laptop soon, feels weird to be at home with out comp. i have to talk with missus much more than usually ;D

    tonight 3-2 for us!
    Oh ffs. This is going to be awkward considering I'm in work. Haha. I'm so gonna do it to when I'm in a supermarket or something and get someone to film it.

    And yeah just seen. He's well funny looking.
    AAAARGH, headache again.

    It's like a goth teenager's Myspace page from 2001. Sort it out. You're better than this.
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