Recent content by Get_Jo_On

  1. Get_Jo_On

    Words Which Annoy You Intensely

    Never heard "power cycling" That's getting abused
  2. Get_Jo_On

    Star Wars - Episode VII

    Or that day off from work.
  3. Get_Jo_On

    Star Wars - Episode VII

    Going tonight a 12:05 and was also smart enough to take the next day off from work.
  4. Get_Jo_On

    The Car Diagnostics Thread......

    Astra VXR eh......? They're decent motors, in a straight line. I have considered one but the gearbox issues scare me.
  5. Get_Jo_On

    Off your Tits

    Out me box on Fizzy Chewits. Dangerous them
  6. Get_Jo_On


    It's all about which is more acceptable apparently, even Lord Coe is paid by Nike, I mean seriously? UK Lottery funded doping US Corporation funded doping Russia State funded doping
  7. Get_Jo_On

    What made your day today?

    Got paid, with lots of commission, mate turned up to give me £60 he owed me then we went to Chimichanga for chili burgers.
  8. Get_Jo_On

    First car

    Mugen Pro.2 CR-X 1988 ZC engine.
  9. Get_Jo_On

    Help with my Charity - The Brain Tumour Charity

    Good luck mate, I've had experience with The Brain Tumour Charity. My dad passed about a year ago due to a brain tumour and I've raised thousands for them. Nice one
  10. Get_Jo_On

    Best one line put down/come back you've heard

    Two lads come over, one goes "You lad, big man? Wanna take it outside" "Nah you're alright, your boyfriend looks the jealous type." Then run
  11. Get_Jo_On

    Cycling thread 2015

    Everyone is getting silly because those numbers are from known days of doping, you can't say the working out is 100% but it's not going to be far off and you really are talking Armstrong/Riis levels coming out.
  12. Get_Jo_On

    Cycling thread 2015

    I dunno about all these numbers you're throwing around as normal? Gesink was about 5.8 w/kg, Quintana 5.9 w/kg which was slightly above what we've seen from Tour Winners for the last four years. Froome was between 6.1-6.2 w/kg but as it was an attack halfway then 5.9 w/kg for 20mins then 6.5...
  13. Get_Jo_On

    Cycling thread 2015

    SPOILER Tony Martin, what a man!! In yellow tonight, suits Froome that does, too early for yellow. No big losers apart from Pinot really, like I said, I know the pave/area and smooth roads shouldn't have given too much in terms of time unless major wind/rain.
  14. Get_Jo_On

    Cycling thread 2015

    Classic guys really trying to hurt the peloton which is in a couple of parts notably Pinot is behind, Dan Martin crashed as had Dowsett although no sign of Quintana. Lars Boom pushing with Nibali on his wheel but Astana and Sky are working together. Froome looks horrendous on the cobbles and...