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  • keep the faith and all that [Poor language removed].

    someone will sign tomorrow - for ******* tottINGham

    Sleep well, lid
    You okay, lid? Off to bed to sulk and stuff. Hope you're okay after today, though. It'll work out, lid. Catch you tomorrow.
    Me too. Ive sort of decided I wont be having them, they'd get in the way of my travels; purely selfish I know.

    I have a two year old nephew who is pure aceness though, he's all I need.
    It takes a strong person to raise other people's kids.

    Although it may be a bit tough at the moment, you have everything you want in life. Youre a lucky man.
    Im sure they powers that be will do the right thing, Id admire you for the way youre going about things mate. It cant be easy, but its the right thing to do.

    When your children are older they will realise this too, without you having to tell them.
    Hair from your chest? Lid, are you sure you've not just been interfered with?

    later lid, we're off to Saeby.
    YouTube - Frank Zappa - The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing+Heavenly Bank Account - Paris 1980

    from the master
    Straight. It took me a few days, and I started to appreciate not being whacked. But then I ended up replacing it with alcohol, so I guess I didn't achieve that much. Went from alcohol, to weed, to speed, back to weed, to alcohol. FFS.
    Mate, I'm just saying that it's not all safe and happy. There are drawbacks with all drugs, even weed. It does make some people more likely to suffer a psychosis.

    In the past I smoked more than you do now, plus I did all the other [Poor language removed]. So I ain't judging you. I just want the best outcome with the lids.
    Mate, the problem is that the courts might not agree. You can argue that with them, and it will get you precisely nowhere. They're not interested in your private attitudes, just that you're straight.

    Best thing is that your seen as strong and capable anyway. The ex-missus is the victim, you're the strong one. Keep playing up to that regardless of the other stuff.
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