chicoazul February 9, 2014 There's more bulbs than Blackpool in the autumn lid. Wise move. What cha, what cha, what cha gonna do. When they come for you?
There's more bulbs than Blackpool in the autumn lid. Wise move. What cha, what cha, what cha gonna do. When they come for you?
chicoazul February 8, 2014 I just read so many comments and can't be arsed responding to them. Its all I GOT OPINIONS ME DEAD CONTROVERSIAL ARGUE WITH ME LAD so its best starving them of attention. Aye were all about the three tomorrow. Got to get dat three.
I just read so many comments and can't be arsed responding to them. Its all I GOT OPINIONS ME DEAD CONTROVERSIAL ARGUE WITH ME LAD so its best starving them of attention. Aye were all about the three tomorrow. Got to get dat three.
chicoazul February 8, 2014 Blindside me lad. Get me dozy on Bud then take your shot. Come at me. GAME OVER.
chicoazul February 1, 2014 Lad I'm off to the beach to drink rum and smoke some beautiful things. I've send you photos if you want?
Lad I'm off to the beach to drink rum and smoke some beautiful things. I've send you photos if you want?
chicoazul January 31, 2014 I see a full range of movement. He's got your DNA like. BOOM. He's in there, no messing about.
chicoazul January 31, 2014 Boy's got game in him. I likes that. Comes out swinging. Huge potential. We could pass this place over to him one day.
Boy's got game in him. I likes that. Comes out swinging. Huge potential. We could pass this place over to him one day.