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  • There's not a lot to do on the sink estates man.

    There is abundant hairy cows though, that's got to count for something surely?
    Good isn't it. They're mates of my friends band in SD. Not sure if you saw the other vid I just posted, the dude from Sonic Youth with my favourite the Cribs. Sweeeet.
    Howdy, heat.

    I've been listening to that new Okkervil river album a lot of late, and it definitely gets the thumbs up. I've not listened to their older stuff much though, so I will have a different perspective than you.

    That said, it's a really solid album, and Will Sheff's vocals have really grown on me.
    Very interesting. I can kind of hear that, now, how it's morphed. I think the tempo of her vocals matches up to the original a bit. Maybe I'm imagining it, though.

    As for Jeniferever, I'll be sure to give it a good few spins :)
    Now that you mention it... remove the whole atmosphere, layered vocals etc of Warpaint's song... I can kind of hear it.

    That said, I wouldn't say it's a cover, mate. Great spot, like, but I'd say they're both excellent songs in their own, different ways :)
    Oh , Hes GETTIN' HIT , like ...
    mflow put him on to me , I think .
    mflow HIMSELF - aside from the whole , Free Music Streaming Site , is a TOP LAD , who Tweeted me ; Up The Toffeees , last week . So , who the fukn knows , Lid ...???

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