Goat April 12, 2013 No need to be sad Mickus, people are still people, we all still worship you. People just saw things differently and emotianally. Im fairly sure people still love you. I was there for you Mickers.
No need to be sad Mickus, people are still people, we all still worship you. People just saw things differently and emotianally. Im fairly sure people still love you. I was there for you Mickers.
Goat April 3, 2013 Why on Earth would you use the word Fanny? Why Mick? I thought he handled it like a bawse, most people would have wilted, he became a lion. We like lions Mickus?
Why on Earth would you use the word Fanny? Why Mick? I thought he handled it like a bawse, most people would have wilted, he became a lion. We like lions Mickus?
Groucho April 3, 2013 Sorry, forgot to say that while I'm not on Facebook, I'm on twitter (twice, my own and a GOT account). One's Dave@groucho_EFC and the other is groucho@GOTgroucho I think.
Sorry, forgot to say that while I'm not on Facebook, I'm on twitter (twice, my own and a GOT account). One's Dave@groucho_EFC and the other is groucho@GOTgroucho I think.