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  • Kaka said no.

    I hear what your saying, but he could hear some good things from Moyes, he might like the names he is trying to get in, sometimes it isnt just about money. He seems like a good lad JL, I would like to think if he leaves it will be with a heavy heart. I just hope the club dont [Poor language removed] on him and make him out to be the bad guy.

    If he leaves, he leaves because he thinks City can do more than Everton next season, I cant see money being a factor, maybe im wrong about him, but I think if he thinks Everton are gonna make progress he will stay. But if he feels we cant wait to cash in on him, he will be off like a shot.

    Its up to us to keep him really, show him the players David.
    He must know what he wants, I mean maybe hes waiting for JL to get back from holiday, have a sit down see what his postion is. Then take it from there, I know theres phones, but surely it must be something to be done face to face.

    Its up to JL really. I mean if he says he wants to stay, well Moyes will turn down all offers, unless it gets really silly, in that case he will be right in taking the cash. But if JL says I wanna leave, well he must have a figure in his head, say to City we want this much.

    The only problem is if JL comes out and says he wants to leave or tells City he wants to leave, that leaves us with very little choice but to sell at the price City want.

    I would like to see the Club refuse all offers, but sadly we aint in the postion to do that, but thats nobodys fault is it? Oh wait, YES IT FRIGGING IS.

    FFS, getting pissed off mate. Trying to stay postive, but its pissing me off now. If we just signed somebody, ANYBODY, I would feel much better.
    Im not old you little belter, I swear, 1 day, 1 fricking day...............
    YouTube - Kelis - Milkshake LYRICS

    If you said it was raining I would need to feel it before I trusted you.
    Nope. That would mean he got banned for insulting himself. Hardly a clever move surely. And they were around at the same time, leave the detective work to the experts lerd.
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