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  • So very true........ If only we had bought The Mout instead of the Big man. You know how the chaos theory works. Arteta wouldnt have got injured, neither would The Yak, Jags......... We would be dreaming of the CL now. Wondering who we are going to get.
    I want to see him in an Everton shirt. Its not a question of how good he will be for me, its a question of how much more will I would love him.
    Nope, you clearly said we would get £20m for him, which is below value, but I couldnt lose The Mout, not after spending all my time watching him last season..................
    You just wont let it lie will you............

    Moutinho is an amazing player. I suspect you havent seen much of him ,which is fair enough, he doesnt have the greatest exposure in that Mickey Mouse Porto League.

    But he would shine at Everton, he has a great engine, he has passing range coming out his arse and he gives 110% every game.

    So its not really a fair question when you look at. Lescott is an excellent defender and is clearly a star player. But hes just a defender. A very good defender, but still a non flashy stop goals player.

    Basically the Brummy tit would be on his way.
    If he leaves hes dead to me. Hes gone on holiday now anyway. So he wont be going anywhere for a few weeks.
    Nope, nobody leaves the nest untill I say so, JL has unfinshed work, he aint going anywhere.

    That Kenwrong needs to go tho, choochoo ************** ************ **************************** he is I swear.
    I took my picture off, it made me look fat and im not fat im fit. Alright.
    Why? Does he want to proper stalk me????? Are you sure that you arent him???? Something fishy going on here I swear.
    Ahhhh right. I heard them Goat back kicks are lethal!

    Where can I find this picture thread? Looked for about 10 minutes! :)
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