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  • Thanks Neb. Been to the church this evening for his one year remembrance service (don't know if that's the correct phrase). Had a little remembrance last night inside the stadium after the match. Won 5-1 and everyone was unbelievable cheerful. Upon starting his fave song: "why does it always rain on me?" (personal request of me), all his friends had tears in their eyes. Was a weird thing to experience. Really mean it when I say, that I found much comfort by the support of all you on GOT. Very much appreciated.

    It's also unbelievable hard, they still haven't arrested the [Poor language removed] responsible for his death. The police are confident they found the driver, who pushed them of the road, but don't have enough evidence on him.
    You should come home lid, the Uk is wonderful at the moment, no crime or nothing bra.
    Im in Wallasey mate. Seacombe, its a ******* hell hole, terraced houses and loonys roamin the streets. But I keep myself to myself and its not bad.
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