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  • Hey Spikester! You added me a a friend - I feel special! Sorry about windmilling in on that thread the other night, in the moment I just got wound up by the stick you were getting but with hindsight I really should have seen it for the banter it was.
    Have to say I'm gonna be looking out for the Redskins this season now cos of you sir-hope you were happy with the draft!
    Nice One Spikester....

    Keep the faith and if Uncle Source can help you with anything don't hesitate to ask.. That's what family is for......

    Hi Nephew,

    LCAB has been bigging you up..... How's it going ? Keep the faith mate. I'm loving the fact that you are spreading the EVERTON Gospel over there !

    Love it.

    Nah it's cool. I just never bothered telling anyone on here.

    Right, it's late (over here anyway) I best get some sleep. Have a nice evening :D
    Ok cool. Just making sure.

    Well, you sortof did. I lurked for a bit, but I got there.

    Just thought i'd say hello anyway. I know you're like 15/16?
    Hey steven. Thought I may as well post a message here seeing as no one else has.

    How are you enjoying the forum?? I notice you're doing what I guess I did, just throwing myself into it all. It's a pretty good community really (just dont tell your friends)

    Hows life treating you? All good i hope?
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