Good, now we can spend £50 million on someone worth something like that, not a paceless set piece expert
Intelligent. Once you look deeper into things you'll realise the club hasn't changed. There isn't the money available some of you seem to think and there is no ambition to make the top four. The club is run to consolidate in the premier league and to make money. They're not willing to take risks when things are steady
Bro, I have 5 chins. You can't call me littleI hope for your sake this doesn’t come back to haunt you.
It absolutely will do though and I will call you little esk.
He was. Norwegian Elkhound named Bear. Had to say goodbye to him in January 2015 when he was 14. He was actually my second Elkie, my first I named Goodison. Bear was a rescue my late wife and I got from Michigan when he was three. Biggest suck you'd ever meet.
Most are people on here guessing and making risky statements in the hope they come true. Then if it comes true pure luck
I have 6!Bro, I have 5 chins. You can't call me little
Talks on the sig break down- shock horror!
50 million they are holding out for !
Whereas you are going on like an angst ridden, whiny, self entitled drama queen.
Bore off.
Nothing has changed, mate! XI have 6!