I know I can be a WUM at times on here but I'm like that in real life. I vote left because I honestly believe we as human beings should help each other out. I do runs etc for a local mental health charity my uncle in law runs not for recognition but to help. He is a 69 year old man who has not took a wage for over two years and will now do 1 day a week as he has finally got three years funding so he can relax. It's people like him I aspire to be, not self made millionaires. I give blood, on the Anthony Nolan bone marrow and the donor list because I think what if its me or a family member needs help.
Me and my wife foster via the council even though we could earn a lot more via private companies, we do it because we want to help and care.
Today's society worries me, we seem selfish and motivated by greed.