The singing was aimed at those that left 100%. Seen some fella proper giving it loads and I was concerned for his health tbh. Face as red as a baboons backside. Regardless to say he (they) was absolutely silent for the first 27 minutes - and after his 40 second burst as well.Spot on mate, Facebook is the same, bile and hatred to those who stood up and left - some have completely missed the point and now the protesters are the problem?!
To see supporters (who normally need their pulses checked to see if they haven't snuffed it) actually chant and sing louder than at any point before at us as we walked past, or some be called scabs, was really quite shocking to me. I don't think I will ever work evertonians out.
Now according to some I'm not a proper fan, after having a season ticket for 32 years and going away games when I can? Sound.
Just because I want to highlight how poorly we have been ran as a football club since Moshiri has been involved?
Proud to not be a proper fan if so.
That reaction was the oddest thing of the night for me.