#27 Years/NSNOW/#AllTogetherNow Fan Campaign

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I am not a part of the 27Campaign group but, I do support them.
I don't have time to spend hours trawling through social media mate, hence me asking,
I do appreciate that there are Blues out there who seem to have issues with the Campaign however, the personal piece issued today - I thought - spoke very clearly and lucidly of the desires of the individual who penned it, the Campaign and a whole lot of other Blues, myself included.
Yep, I agreed with the sentiment, we all want improvement. My issue is in personal attacks that commonly happen. Tbh it probably happens towards the 27c too! The division has happened though. You might not be a part of it, but you seem passive aggressive to any commentary against them. You don’t have to trawl to see the divide.
Yep, I agreed with the sentiment, we all want improvement. My issue is in personal attacks that commonly happen. Tbh it probably happens towards the 27c too! The division has happened though. You might not be a part of it, but you seem passive aggressive to any commentary against them. You don’t have to trawl to see the divide.
Genuine question for you then... if you agreed with the sentiment and we all want improvement, why is there division ?
Genuine question for you then... if you agreed with the sentiment and we all want improvement, why is there division ?
Because views have become polarised. It’s happened on Spaces, on Twitter posts, on GoT and that’s only what I see. It happened when there was a protest at the Liver Building and not everyone knew it was happening, it happened at the end of the season when everyone was celebrating starting up and it was brought up that we shouldn’t be celebrating. I personally feel the division started when the stadium protests happened and others were against the 27 minute walk out. I do also feel there personal are agendas at play as well, but that is subjective. Surely you are aware of all the points above mate?
Yep, I agreed with the sentiment, we all want improvement. My issue is in personal attacks that commonly happen. Tbh it probably happens towards the 27c too! The division has happened though. You might not be a part of it, but you seem passive aggressive to any commentary against them. You don’t have to trawl to see the divide.
You're absolutely correct, a lot of abuse has been aimed at 27C members. And while there is an obvious slanging match in all directions (which hurts me as a fan), I'm sure none has come directly from 27C members themselves. But the wider point remains highly valid. It is horrible to see a fanbase rip itself apart while the main miscreants within the club are never challenged. The 27C simply has to widen its appeal, win the arguments, engage and be all-inclusive. It has to be a unifier and not a divider of opinion.

Because views have become polarised. It’s happened on Spaces, on Twitter posts, on GoT and that’s only what I see. It happened when there was a protest at the Liver Building and not everyone knew it was happening, it happened at the end of the season when everyone was celebrating starting up and it was brought up that we shouldn’t be celebrating. I personally feel the division started when the stadium protests happened and others were against the 27 minute walk out. I do also feel there personal are agendas at play as well, but that is subjective. Surely you are aware of all the points above mate?
Also the fact that there are many tweets that highlight the 27c and include an unfounded slight against other Everton fans. Surely you’ve seen those aswell?
Because views have become polarised. It’s happened on Spaces, on Twitter posts, on GoT and that’s only what I see. It happened when there was a protest at the Liver Building and not everyone knew it was happening, it happened at the end of the season when everyone was celebrating starting up and it was brought up that we shouldn’t be celebrating. I personally feel the division started when the stadium protests happened and others were against the 27 minute walk out. I do also feel there personal are agendas at play as well, but that is subjective. Surely you are aware of all the points above mate?

Personal agendas work both ways. Whilst I understand what you are saying I do feel there are individuals who’s interest it is to undermine the campaign at any opportunity.

People with ties to those at the club, who’s employment could be under scrutiny should any change at executive level come to pass.

People with ties to supporters groups who may or may not have ties to people at the club.

Given the criticism the club gets, I highly doubt they wouldn’t respond in some way, either through allies in the press such as Oliver Holt, Martin Samuel etc or through more subtle means such as fan groups and associates .

What gets me in all of this, we as a fan base are not shy in mocking other clubs faults and goings on but when it comes to ourselves there is a aggressive , defensive stance from some . How does anything get better when you surround yourself with people who tell you no wrong, which is what has happened at Everton and got us no where.

Good luck to them going forward . I respect them for at least trying to highlight major issues which others don’t.
Also the fact that there are many tweets that highlight the 27c and include an unfounded slight against other Everton fans. Surely you’ve seen those aswell?

Unfounded slight?? You mean blues that want us to win as opposed to Kenwrights kids who don’t want us to win
He can do what he wants…. the stadiums getting built regardless , what we can’t afford is another 2-3 years of his utter ineptitude! Why can’t people see this ! Who takes over and keeps the same failing board !
Ben, I think the answer there is an owner, who had conducted much of his business life in the shadows, recognising that the Board would be unable to give him a tough, challenging time so he was happy to keep them!
Because views have become polarised. It’s happened on Spaces, on Twitter posts, on GoT and that’s only what I see. It happened when there was a protest at the Liver Building and not everyone knew it was happening, it happened at the end of the season when everyone was celebrating starting up and it was brought up that we shouldn’t be celebrating. I personally feel the division started when the stadium protests happened and others were against the 27 minute walk out. I do also feel there personal are agendas at play as well, but that is subjective. Surely you are aware of all the points above mate?
I am aware of some of it but, allow me to clarify my personal position...

I don't partake and haven't partaken in any of the Twitter Spaces things; my time on Twitter where Everton is concerned tends to be mainly on weekends/gamedays only and that's largely promoting the Match Reports I write on here for GOT, and promoting a podcast I partake in that is independent of GOT.

I was unaware of the Liver Building protest until after it happened and have never ventured an opinion upon it - positively or negatively.

I'll have to ask you to refresh my memory as to what stadium protests took place. If you mean the gathering that met and walked around Goodison that received media coverage then yes, I was part of that group that gathered, walked and made our point to the media that assembled.

The 27 minute walkout I would concede did cause division but, I felt it was a palpable indication as to the level of concern that some/many fans felt that they would be prepared to leave their seats for however long they chose to, to send a message that something needed to be done to arrest the decline in the clubs fortunes, both on and off the field. It was worth noting from where I sit in the Main Stand that I saw people from the 'posh seats' close to the Directors Box leave their seats on 27 minutes, so I would suggest that there is concern amongst those Blues who pay extremely handsomely too.
Personal agendas work both ways. Whilst I understand what you are saying I do feel there are individuals who’s interest it is to undermine the campaign at any opportunity.

People with ties to those at the club, who’s employment could be under scrutiny should any change at executive level come to pass.

People with ties to supporters groups who may or may not have ties to people at the club.

Given the criticism the club gets, I highly doubt they wouldn’t respond in some way, either through allies in the press such as Oliver Holt, Martin Samuel etc or through more subtle means such as fan groups and associates .

What gets me in all of this, we as a fan base are not shy in mocking other clubs faults and goings on but when it comes to ourselves there is a aggressive , defensive stance from some . How does anything get better when you surround yourself with people who tell you no wrong, which is what has happened at Everton and got us no where.
An excellent post if I might say so. There's a cosiness undermining all the efforts to push the argument for change. There are groups who have privileged access to the club and they will never call out the hand that feeds.

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