Gobsmacked. No idea what that cack pile of a statement is supposed to be. A load of incongruous waffle with a sneaky “yes I’ve noticed the actual football is crap” hidden in the middle is not communication. All those involved in getting those words from Mosh’s mind onto the website need to get out of the Liver building, walk round the city and speak to some actual fans tomorrow. No one will get slapped or abused, but they’ll get some raw truth without filtering it through endless meetings, minutes, summaries, bullet points which is way it’s heading. I support most of the ongoing fan-action, but let’s be honest, even if it does illicit change it’s going to be way too late.
On a human level, the only slight leeway I’d give Mosh on that trippy statement, is that if you have thrown literally hundreds of millions of your own cash into a fetid loss-making hole that becomes more toxic and worse performing every time you try to make it better by throwing more money at it, it would be very very hard not to constantly point out to your detractors that you have put your wallet on the table. Even if you did then set it on fire and watch highly paid employees and Board members urinate all over it. He isn’t getting out of this without a big loss, both of money and face. No sympathy, but the situation he’s got himself into is utterly horrendous. He daren’t even set foot in his own business.