5G isn't just a mobile phone speed thing, all the other generations were but now we have so much connected to the internet, 5G has been developed for it all from phones, fridges, Drones and cars
Like any new tech people will be sceptical especially with something that is 100 times faster than 4G And when they have to stick the antennas on every lamppost in your street as it's it's powerful but not far reaching so needs more individual antennas instead of one mass tower
I think people have every right to bring up questions about how much frequncey waves or radiation is around them without being labelled idiots but I get there will be a hard-core group who will take them doubts and turn it into conspiracy, I'm sure it'll happen when 6G or 10G rolls out, but if the world wants everything powerd by the internet for convenience then you have to accept the things that power them to be stuck on a lamppost outside your house
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