6 + 2 Point Deductions

So I understand correctly, spurs built a new stadium and were able to have the cost of the build excluded from psr whilst building it, and now are able to claim depreciable asset on a new stadium for which none of the build cost was included in psr before...looks to me like a fantastic loophole...

They had the same rules as us.

No loophole, they are just a better run club than us.
So I understand correctly, spurs built a new stadium and were able to have the cost of the build excluded from psr whilst building it, and now are able to claim depreciable asset on a new stadium for which none of the build cost was included in psr before...looks to me like a fantastic loophole...

They're not claiming anything. They built a stadium and it had a value of 1 billion or whatever. That doesn't hit their Income statement, let alone the PSR calculation.

They expense the stadium over 40 years. That 40 years of expenses is added back to the PSR calculation.

There's no double counting, which I think it what you're suggesting.

They spent 1 billion on the stadium and it's not part of the calculation, full stop.
i don’t lol

There's a few claims made that are jumbled together. Without reviewing Spurs' books I'll make a few brief responses here.

1. Stadium build costs are usually excluded from PSR; I don't know what Spurs books and PSR reviews look like, but this is the standard
2. We know that Levy was holding down operating costs when building NWHL (or whatever it's called); not sure if this was for the benefit of PSR, but less costs = PSR benefit
3. Everton were not charged on stadium costs, but loans used for stadium costs that were alleged inappropriately booked/reported; without getting into all of that again, it's not as though Everton have a different set of rules applied vs Spurs (*again, not getting into all of that)
4. All assets are depreciable, that's not anything new; depreciation begins from when the asset is purchased/built, etc; you can't depreciate construction, you depreciate what you own. there's not secret advantage or loophole here.
5. Not sure what old Everton accounts show, but once you depreciate an asset you can't depreciate it again; a 125 year old stadium has fully run out its deprecation; the Park End rebuild in 1994 for £1.3 million would have been depreciated over a fixed term, but those are likely to be the last depreciable* assets on the Everton accounts, lawnmowers notwithstanding

So to suggest that Spurs are exploiting a loophole is probably ignorance or maybe bias, but there's no actual evidence for this, even if you disagree with the PSR deductions held against Everton

*depreciable stadium assets, I'm sure the club has lots of depreciable assets
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You're still buying the ovens, it's a cash expense.

Accrual accounting just allows you to spread that expense over their useful life. Let's say you buy the ovens now and you think they'll last 5 years, you're paying cash (whether it's cash or financing) for the asset now, though you're receiving the benefit of the asset over 5 years.

Compare that to normal expenses like food...you're probably not keeping more than a years worth of inventory, so those are expensed in the year they're purchased and used.
Grateful to you all for your responses.

Learn so much on here, everyday is a school day!

UTFT and respect to those taking time to reply.

Can’t understand why a football club would be spending anything on building a stadium.
I thought they were all built by “third party” companies set up specially for the purpose, who raise the money, build the stadium, and rent it to the club for an unfeasibility long length of time. They deal with maintenance and day to day running of the club, leaving the football clubs finances completely separate and focussed on playing football.

Or am I just an idiot? (Don’t answer this one)
It should probably always be the case that points deductions apply to the following season (if they really must be used at all) to avoid the chaos we have now. It would, reluctantly, be a practical solution in our case, particularly with the possibility that Leicester will also have one applied next season for the same season.
Totally agree, if you do wrong and are caught you start the following season with the deficit, if that’s the punishment. At least everyone knows where they stand and what needs to be done over the course of 38 games.

Totally agree, if you do wrong and are caught you start the following season with the deficit, if that’s the punishment. At least everyone knows where they stand and what needs to be done over the course of 38 games.
I've never understood the rush to punish breaches the following season - the teams that have arguably suffered the greatest disadvantage are the relegated teams and they aren't in the league the next season to get a corresponding advantage from the punishment. It's every bit as logical to just punish at the start of the following season.

Why are Luton getting such a leg up this season when they weren't in the league in 22/23? The hurry, and the resulting chaos, don't make sense.
I've never understood the rush to punish breaches the following season - the teams that have arguably suffered the greatest disadvantage are the relegated teams and they aren't in the league the next season to get a corresponding advantage from the punishment. It's every bit as logical to just punish at the start of the following season.

Why are Luton getting such a leg up this season when they weren't in the league in 22/23? The hurry, and the resulting chaos, don't make sense.

Or you just set a spending limit for each club before the season and refuse to register any player that exceeds that.

This lookback thing creates too much uncertainty.
Not suggesting Spurs are doing anything wrong but a question for some of you who clearly know more about accounting than me - if Spurs are depreciating 72m per year, but not paying that off the debt are they effectively able to boost their other spending allowance under psr?

What about the stadium debt, whilst not relevant to psr but can you depreciate an asset whilst still owing more than you depreciate?

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