I honestly don’t know how to respond to this, how the process will go or how things are likely to work out.
First thing to say is my understanding is this is before a PL independent commission again and not a court - so there is no rule of law at play here, if my understanding is right. It’s the kangaroo court making the whole thing up again this will be subject to.
Secondly given what City have done to ATP rules and Leicester did with jurisdiction, I’m really disappointed we are engaging in this process and not trying to drive a truck through the obvious loop holes that exist in these rules. They are, there, particularly here in this case - which is a subset of a weird case they are making up.
To my mind this is the third time we will be punished for the same offence, first was the points deduction, second was the lost revenue in placement money and now this.
Sorry no, the club needs to grow a pair and call out this BS and fight it tooth and nail. Leicester and City have shown the way.