6 + 2 Point Deductions

So let me get this right.

10 points deducted for the 1 st breach . Will superlawyer get any back ...who knows

Potentially another 10 points deducted for the 2nd breach.

777 either pull out or fail the fit owner test . No one else interested so we go into administration and get another 9 points deducted.

10+10+9 = 29 points deduction ( Esk can you check my maths please lol.

All for trying to improve our sustainability by building a new stadium.

Weird the way so many put so much stock into what one fan on Twitter says. 90% of posts in this thread are just laughing at him. It's boring now. Just ignore him or if you're desperate to talk about him, do it on Twitter?! Sick of reading about what "The Esk" says.
To be fair Danny he puts himself front and centre, hardly surprising he gets it in the neck every time. Sure in his head he ahs got the Club at heart but making these affirmative statements just makes him look bad.

Everton statement:

Everton Football Club acknowledges the Premier League’s decision to refer a breach of Profit & Sustainability rules (PSR) for the assessment period ending with the 2022/23 season to an independent Premier League commission. This relates to a period which covers seasons 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23. It therefore includes financial periods (2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22) for which the Club has already received a 10-point sanction. The Club is currently appealing that sanction. The Premier League does not have guidelines which prevent a Club being sanctioned for alleged breaches in financial periods which have already been subject to punishment, unlike other governing bodies, including the EFL. As a result - and because of the Premier League’s new commitment to deal with such matters “in-season” - the Club is in a position where it has had no option but to submit a PSR calculation which remains subject to change, pending the outcome of the appeal. The Club must now defend another Premier League complaint which includes the very same financial periods for which it has already been sanctioned, before that appeal has even been heard. The Club takes the view that this results from a clear deficiency in the Premier League’s rules. Everton can assure its fans that it will continue to defend its position during the ongoing appeal and, should it be required to do so, at any future commission – and that the impact on supporters will be reflected as part of that process.

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