6 + 2 Point Deductions

Its like waiting for your exam results to be posted through your door.
Haha. I remember results from first day of uni, my parents turned up unannounced at my student flat and made me open the results in front of them because they had a feeling I was messing about.

I got exactly the pass mark. My answer was the first year doesn’t count towards anything 😂
Changing the rules after we get double blammoed is so injust.
Being an Evertonian at the moment feels like being one of the soldiers who were shot and killed in the hours after the armistice was signed.
I agree, we should have been triple blammoed first.

Also I like that blammoed isn’t autocorrected.
Changing the rules after we get double blammoed is so injust.
Being an Evertonian at the moment feels like being one of the soldiers who were shot and killed in the hours after the armistice was signed.
If the rules are changed within a few years we should be bringing them to an actual court, changing these rules mean they know the rules are not fit for purpose yet continue to punish us.

Changing the rules after we get double blammoed is so injust.
Being an Evertonian at the moment feels like being one of the soldiers who were shot and killed in the hours after the armistice was signed.

This is the bit that stings. Charging us twice on something they say has a detrimental effect and will be changed to prevent anyone else going through it.

So all those clubs that would have suffered the same fate next season just get off...Nice.
