Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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Just looking at the poll.

8.6% support for these guys is shockingly low, given we're currently in the worst ownership situation of our entire history.

They've got so much work to do to get us onside - if they even care about that.
You can be against Moshiri and be skeptical of these new guys too. It doesn’t have to be an either/or situation.

I get those are seemingly our 2 options, but you can be unhappy with both.
Pity they didn't put Kenwright under the same scrutiny all those years ago instead of kissing his backside
Exactly: still waiting for the multi-page expose of 30 years of Kenwright failure.

Joe Thomas seems to have his heart in the right place but until he calls out BK directly (instead of vague references to "the failures of the Board"), I will take his analysis of 777 with a pinch of salt.

Why not just research it yourself and draw your own conclusions ?
It’s better to form your own opinions based on facts than to be led by others.
I thought that was exactly what I was aiming to do by asking the first question. I’ll draw my own conclusion when I actually sort the hysteria from the facts.
I was going to say that, but saying do your own research just seemed a bit much.

As you say tho, its up to the individual to make their own minds up.

Just search 777 partners on google and read away, but know that 99% of it is just a load of rubbish.
My point entirely, hence an honest simple question about a bone fidel source of information
You don’t understand how administration works. You’re falling for the ’too big to fail’ fallacy.
Having direct experience of working a business through the administration process (admittedly in France) I know precisely how it works. I don’t recall saying Everton were too big to fail, rather that the EPL and FA wouldn’t want it on their CV that a founder member failed under their tutelage.

Some realities that some are in denial about.

1) If we don't accept these buyers there is a chance no one else steps forward (we are not that an attractive proposition right now) and we go down/disappear.
2) No investor is going to buy a Premier league club right now and blatently asset strip it until there is nothing left. Not going to happen would be a reputational disaster for an investor.
3) The idea of setting up investment opportunities for very small scale fan 'investors' like they did with the other club they bought is a positive thing, not a bad thing (we all love how the German clubs are fan owned don't we?)
