777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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Took Moshiri 8 months to learn what everyone else on the Planet already knew. His incompetence knows no bounds. How he ever became a billionaire i don't know. Back to square one with 8 months wasted with the only plus point being that we are not being handed over to the bunch of bankrupt fraudsters. Plenty of time for him to find even worse i guess.

To be fair his hands were tied, all this had to run its course despite how ridiculous it seemed.

When Moshiri started the process 777 had numerous clubs and although looked dodgy weren't in imminent danger of collapse. After they sunk in the first 100 million would you pull out and face the penalties?

Toffee TV made a decent point earlier that so many of the sharks circling want to take us from a position of administration which suits them, not the club. Say what you want about 777 but least they were pumping in money to us to help us continue without that happening.
