If Netflix had a seasonal reality show on our club they would have brocken all time viewing statistics this season.
In what universe could this season at EFC be deemed reality?If Netflix had a seasonal reality show on our club they would have brocken all time viewing statistics this season.
The Esk thinks we’re heading for administration, so we’re probably not.
Not to mention getting rid of Green and Tabor who've never had the good of the club at heart and have bled us dry over the years.The easiest way out it seems, and I may be miles off but MSP taking control now seems the way to go. They can then steady the ship and make a few decisions in Evertons favour. Simply baffled why they have not scuppered 777 yet when they are the only ones who could do this.
The Esk thinks we’re heading for administration, so we’re probably not.
He's tossing himself off over the idea of us going into administration, he seriously wants it to happen. I think it excites him cos in his little narcissistic mind administration means he was right.Still hate that he has a website that's just "theesk." The lad's a brand. He doesn't care about the reality of the bs he's constantly talking. He just wants to be recognized as an itk and all of the minor celebrity status that comes with it. Dollar bin Fab Romano dreams.
Starting minus nine next season, plus potentially a further FFP deduction, isn't the easiest of routes in terms of long term future thoughWhether his prediction ends up being right or not, his logic is sound. Administration does look like the most likely route, simply by virtue of it being the easiest route of dealing with the debt
I'm no financial guru but my understanding is that a liquidated company can still treat monies owed to them as assets which the Liquidator can pursue in full. If so, then the Club is still on the hook as they are obligated to repay any loans in full.Could be a little bonus then for Everton for a change.
Starting minus nine next season, plus potentially a further FFP deduction, isn't the easiest of routes in terms of long term future though