777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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How does one stick a Carpet in a Bag?
It refers to a bag or hold-all constructed from a material resembling carpet.
Such bags were habitually carried by speculators from the Northern states of the USA who travelled into the defeated Southern states following the civil war. These speculators exploited the now impoverished citizens of the defeated South to buy property at dirt cheap prices .
Hence it became a term of contempt for those who seek financial gain from the misery of others.
Highly appropriate in the current circumstances.

Love McNulty's hatchet job on the BBC website especially when it comes to Saint Bill.
Did he never get an invite to Bill's many media dinner parties or is he just immune to yarns of our transfer maestro's yawnsome tales of his childhood?
He’s been fairly consistent in criticising BK and the board for quite a while to be fair to him. A fairly accurate article!
The owners would be wary to let them in.

The most socialist league the NFL which is weird with it being US of A.
No, that’s the other part. It’s not just the money.

The lead investor (an individual, not a fund) needs to hold at least a 30% equity stake as well. They don’t have anyone like that.

The NFL ownership group is one of the most select group of sports owners in the world (I’m not saying it like it’s a good thing). You need individual wealth, you need to keep your mouth shut and not rock the boat, and if you even wink at your administrative assistant, they’ll throw you out.

A Russian oligarch, Chinese billionaire or Iranian accountant would never be allowed.
So, the question is, is Everton still in the money laundering business, or are we just another investment vehicle for a bunch of shady business types looking for a quick buck? Or, is it yes to both scenarios?
Yep, players gonna do bits when playing friendly games abroad it's on...
The most worrying part of 777 is how rapidly they are trying to expand the portfolio, they are bound to want to get an NFL team or alike in North America and are we all just a way of raising funds to make that come true. I don't see them staying focused long enough to really build something here as it will be in the bag you go with the rest of them and on to the next acquisition.
I don't think they're interested in NFL..

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