The Americans who wanted to buy 25% and got vetoed by Rights and Media Funding Ltd
So now they want their money back, by April
Goat said:
I think they only want their money back if the 777 deal goes through.
I listened to the TtB Podcast last night, and it would seem that MSP have a loan condition that means they need repaying 12 months after the loan was positioned with the Club, if certain conditions weren't met.
The Esk didn't expand too much on that, however, I would presume that the loan was conditional on MSP gaining equity, sorry shareholding, within the club. As this has not occurred, I would presume (here I go making an ass of myself again!

) that they are calling their loan in.
It wasn't mentioned, nor have I read, anything to suggest that MSP need repaying if the club is sold. As their loan is secured against the stadium and as such is a rock solid investment, unlike 777's largesse in keeping us afloat.
As I said in an earlier post,
IF and I know it is a huge if, 777 do get approval, they could at least steady the ship to avoid us maybe slipping nearer administration. At least in the short to medium term at least (That is if their funding holds out?)
However, as The Esk and the Costigans said (amongst many others also), if they (777) could have satisfied the conditions, then surely they would have done so by now?
I'm just not sure where we'd go from the point whereby MSP want their money mid-April, the EPL won't approve 777, and if 777 can't show they can meet the conditions and additional commitments, and Moshiri fails to honour his letter of surety?
Will another speculator, or more than one knock on Moshiri's door? Or will MSP maybe use their £158m leverage with Moshiri and ask for a stake in the shareholding and ownership of the club, but on much tighter terms than they offered last March/April (2023)?
Realistically, Moshiri has to surely realise, that continuing to fund the club is more money after bad, and he'd be better just taking what he can, rather than hoping to maybe 'piggy back' on 777 and use them to loan money to EFC at higher rates than normal to 'wash' Russian money, to try and make some returns on his investment.? Just my opinion.
Remember, Moshiri still stands to make some return on his investment via the docklands area where he and Usmanov bought land for future development.
I genuinely believe, that the reason RMF blackballed MSP, was because MSP's investment vehicle was too legit (even though you wouldn't know who was actually behind each individual investor in Everton Investments PLC (US based). Whereas, 777 is a hodge-podge of an amalgamation of different companies and investment areas.
Just my take on the matter, using the information available on the internet etc..