Are you against woman’s bodily autonomy?
What does your fictional girlfriend think of this?
It makes her hungry for fictional steak.
Are you against woman’s bodily autonomy?
What does your fictional girlfriend think of this?
Funny how they covered up for Hunter Biden and declared the laptop as fake news / Russian disinformation. I wonder what an investigation into him would uncover?Very interested in the timing of this. Not saying that he doesn't sexually molest dogs, but the MSM had all these years and only start covering it now. And the minute you say it, the left are swarming all over you
Yes I’m pro life, particularly against late termination. Although in some cases I’d makeAre you against woman’s bodily autonomy?
What does your fictional girlfriend think of this?
Was off work last week on leave thankfully. Unfortunately Incils types are coming more common in younger makes in mental health.. Dreading one visit particularly if mates are about, some weird collective thoughts... Lonely they say, I wonder why...Are you against woman’s bodily autonomy?
What does your fictional girlfriend think of this?
As for that story, I’m guessing he was a lefty? I wonder where he got his value system from and what it was?
I don't think the poor dogs care which hand he writes with.I’m guessing he was a lefty?
It’s well known left handed people are evilI don't think the poor dogs care which hand he writes with.
Is the first bit from ChatGPT?Yeah I have actually, and it was a warning about the left, totalitarianism. It was a socialist dystopia, with themes like relativistic speech, via newspeak. You could apply its themes to any totalitarian regime though.
You see it in the west all the time these days newspeak, doublethink, for example you can’t say pro life, has to be pro choice, can’t say nato / EU expansion has to be enlargement. Russsll Brand is right wing it’s reported, when he’s clearly a lefty.
All media here is full of box ticking. It’s pathetic, pure and utter propaganda all the time. Overt political messaging everywhere. Cancel culture is rife. Not much freedom of thought or expression in the west. People dare not express an opinion because they’ll get sacked for a post online.
Who’s going to tell him Orwell was a socialist? Put the poor lad out of his misery.
Sorry mate, I didn’t want to be the one that had to break it to you about Animal Farm actually being about the lefts animal porn ring ran out of a pizza shop on County RoadFfs, you`ve just runied years of reading for me, next you`ll be telling me that Orwell fondled dogs too.
Are you against woman’s bodily autonomy?
What does your fictional girlfriend think of this?
Who’s going to tell him Orwell was a socialist? Put the poor lad out of his misery.
Tell me something I don’t know, and he was also aware of the dangers of you lot. As big left experiments like Russia and China proved during and after his life.Who’s going to tell him Orwell was a socialist? Put the poor lad out of his misery.
I must have been mistaken when I noticed the left trying to control what you can say, think, eat, drink, smoke, drive warm my house with etc. And of course it’s all for my own good and or to save the planetIs the first bit from ChatGPT?
More importantly who has stopped you saying the bolded stuff? You can tell me mate, I'll sort the rotters out.