Worst = Afrikaaner, although it does make me laugh no end.
Bin = Ben
Worst = Afrikaaner, although it does make me laugh no end.
I can't tell the difference between Georgia, Tenessee, Alabamha, South Carolina and the rest of the Southern states, but those sweet tones in a woman's voice drive me to distraction.
Italian women speaking English really make me horny baby
Plymouth, Newquay, Brighton. Basically down on the south coast where people surf and talk, and pause, like this, until... their ... voice gets higher..and, higher untill, the end, of every, sentence! Very annoying indeed!
Also Birmingham!
Now, does the Brum accent change amongst it region?
Only askin because used to work with both Villa and Brum supporters and them I could tolerate. But West brom?? WTF!! I knew 2 baggie fans and they was possible the most dullest/boring accents i've ever heard in my life!
Sam Allerdice - Say no more! (Literary)