But is it his real account?
Gratias tibi ago.I did better than that...I called him a Norwegian rat..(rattus norvegicus)
not sure anymore...but the bloke I called a Norwegian Rat was fluent in Arabic...so it might not be Wisdom LookmanBut is it his real account?
All credit to them,il remember that next time they hoist a Steau Bucherest banner up at us in the next timeI think the lot of you are getting carried away, it was a very good performance by our neighbours and all credit to them.
I just wish it had a been a team in royal blue but our time will come depend on it.
there's a lot of toing and froing on the subject. I can't read Arabic so I scanned the reply to my rat call through a translation app...but it was all gibberish. Basically, we're back to square one in not being sure whether it's his account or not.Is it? Or isn't it?
It’s difficult for young players. You’re always going to stick with the Bernards and Richarlisons (he is young to be fair) even through their crappy spells. The unknown in Lookman gets a one game run and is out if he doesn’t set the world on fire in his first start. So many talented players pass through the cracks for that reason.I still think he's talented and hasn't gotten a proper chance here but it's starting to look less and less like he ever will.
I like Bernard but he hasn't been so good that Lookman should have 3 starts this seasonIt’s difficult for young players. You’re always going to stick with the Bernards and Richarlisons (he is young to be fair) even through their crappy spells. The unknown in Lookman gets a one game run and is out if he doesn’t set the world on fire in his first start. So many talented players pass through the cracks for that reason.