That's not true at all. If you actually tried to present some kind of side I might find it agreeable. Probably not on Bernard, as we're very far apart on that, but I'm right on the edge with Iwobi, you aren't going to believe me, but I really do think another start or two under Carlo of nothing will be a real bad sign.Nice try, anything I select will be dismissed by you, that's how you roll. If it doesn't line up with your opinion it is lacking in merit. Come to think of it, that's how your president operates, do you live in a big white house and have all the best words?
Mirallas was really good for a minute or two. I think the last however many years really soured him with our fans.He just runs around a lot.
Maybe next year, not even as average as Mirralas.
Wasted money so far.
Hope he surprises us all next season.
Mirallas was really good for a minute or two. I think the last however many years really soured him with our fans.
Well that can't really be argued. But at least for a couple seasons there was a reason for the cockiness.he was a massive tool as well.
Ridiculous analogy. No one looks at stats in isolation.Sam Allardyce is the most successful manager in England national team footballing history with a 100% win rate. That's a stat. Is the fat, gravy swilling, pint of wine downing, dirge ball enthusiast England's greatest ever manager? Of course not, stats are bald evidence that require analysis and interpretation like all evidence, in every discipline.
*refreshes page so content goes back onto ignore*
Just the four posts on Iwobi on the previous page now, cracking
I alone made 5 on the last page i can see... #Zatception
I think Ancelotti will be able to mould Iwobi. I think hes a bit of a 'rough diamond' who will be turned into a very good squad player for us.
....Iwobi takes the ball on the spin and covers ground. He can also pick a pass. It’s why I think he’ll be seen to greater effect in central positions. Brands seems to like ball carrying midfielders and I think that was the attraction with Iwobi.
Be interesting if he features tonight.
Take a look through any thread on this site and you will find dozens of examples of people who do exactly that.Ridiculous analogy. No one looks at stats in isolation.