You're a weird little creature.
Riding in on multiple threads on your high horse making sweeping accusations of racism, failing to provide any example of actual racism in the thread and then hide behind the oh-so-easy unconscious bias line when challenged.
Most people don't like Iwobi because he's a very poor player.
Unfortunately, through no fault of his own, the club paid a lot of money for him and pay him a silly wage.
The vast majority of people who support the club are local, an area that's one of the most deprived in the country and has been hit harder than most with the current situation.
People have died, many jobs have been lost, many more are under threat and even relatively minor things like travel plans have been ruined.
To then see somebody who has significantly under performed on the pitch posting show-off style images of himself getting out of a car that costs more than several houses in the local area and climbing into a private jet to go and live it up for a couple of weeks... That doesn't sit right at all and, to me, shows absolutely no awareness of the things people have had to deal with.
That kind of behaviour has never sat well with most Evertonians and I don't believe it ever will.
Yes he's "earned" his money, yes he can spend it how he wants but let's not be so vulgar at a time of misery for many, especially when your performances have been at about a 2/10, you've had no impact on any game and actively bottle out of challenges.