am I the only one who hasn't got a Scooby who he is and what they are talking about?
He's a very well known American right wing conspiracy theorist.
He started off in the late 90's with mostly the usual stuff (Illuminati controlling the world, 9/11 an inside job, Chemtrails and the like), but in the past few years he's swerved violently off towards the right wing christian nationalist crowd. Lots of talking about demons, devil worshipping and child sacrifice amongst 'THE ELITE' and all that, He's mostly been a bit of a meme for a while:
The problem is, hilarious as he seems to be to sane minded people, he actually has a lot of people who follow him and believe a lot of the nonsense he spouts.
In this case, he falsely claimed that the Sandy Hook massacre (a school shooting where 27 people were killed, most of them very young children) was a fake story and that no children were really killed, all acted out to justify stronger gun laws so they can "take away your guns"
Some of the parents of the murdered children were targeted by Jone's followers and accused of being crisis actors and some had to go into hiding.
This case is the parents suing him for defamation over his comments and subsequent refusal to apologise or retract his statements.
The guy is an absolute POS and I hope they take every last penny from him.
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — For years, bombastic far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ranted to his millions of followers that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax, that children weren’t killed and that parents were crisis actors in an elaborate ruse to force gun control.