2020/21 Andre Gomes

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Ok with the ball...but so slow...he'll be good in a team with a lot of posesion football but not with the current system. We need pacy midfileders.

Gomes came on kept posession, drew some fouls, played with some real class and for looked like the best player on the pitch. It’s funny how we see different things.

I cannot agree.

The ball went through midfield alot more once he was in there.

Then there was the one where it went down left into the box, he was favourite to get to the ball first, was slow, weak and was left on the floor. A better pick out and that was a Leicester goal.

I also think it was a penalty tbh, more I see it I don't think Gomes got a touch at all, the angle they showed the monitor helped us massively.

Two massive errors from him that IMO on another day could cost us 2 goals.

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