Angry Goodison

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It certainly did they entered the side entrance to the Gladywys street side entrance in the corner by the paddock, and the boys pen chanting- We are going to take the street end we got into the paddock at the top step we had a Birdseye view of the blood curdling battle it was over in minutes 2 may of died the rest ran down to the park end ...... absolute suicide the Everton hooligan element must have had prior knowledge, they were tooled up with all kinds of weapons......
They never stood a chance stupid sods......
We got beat 2-0 out f the cup to a lower team ......awful scenes at the beginning worst I ever seen tbh ..,..
I was sat on a barrier right in the middle of it aged about 8 or 9 couldnt move as to jump down of my perch i would have been in the thick of the Millwall fans, they got hammerd even without the weapons that were going in, knives, screwdrivers,a hammer, none died but one or two were in a bad way, think it was 11 stabbed , some on the way back to lime street, anybody in the boys pen would have seen first hand one getting stabbed as he had tried to climb up the mesh, a few from the stands went for him and he tried to drop down , got repeatedly stabbed as he hung there.
Millwall had some stocky blonde fella in a sheepskin with them dont know how many times he went down but got right up and had another go,one of his mates was in a bad way and even as the stretcher was going onto the pitch this soft sod was still shouting the odds coverd in blood, total madman.
Scary for a kid to be so close to that, think i was on shock for most of the game, didnt help thier keeper having a brillant game King, and us getting beat.
I was sat on a barrier right in the middle of it aged about 8 or 9 couldnt move as to jump down of my perch i would have been in the thick of the Millwall fans, they got hammerd even without the weapons that were going in, knives, screwdrivers,a hammer, none died but one or two were in a bad way, think it was 11 stabbed , some on the way back to lime street, anybody in the boys pen would have seen first hand one getting stabbed as he had tried to climb up the mesh, a few from the stands went for him and he tried to drop down , got repeatedly stabbed as he hung there.
Millwall had some stocky blonde fella in a sheepskin with them dont know how many times he went down but got right up and had another go,one of his mates was in a bad way and even as the stretcher was going onto the pitch this soft sod was still shouting the odds coverd in blood, total madman.
Scary for a kid to be so close to that, think i was on shock for most of the game, didnt help thier keeper having a brillant game King, and us getting beat.
In the paddock St Johns men had Millwall fans on stretchers blood dripping through the canvas running to the ambulances at the park end ...- I thought I heard afterwards 2 had not made it ?
It was awful -My older brother stated as we were entering the paddock what are those idiots about 100 of them doing , and then they started that chant .....oh he stated as we rushed in to see the carnage.....
In the paddock St Johns men had Millwall fans on stretchers blood dripping through the canvas running to the ambulances at the park end ...- I thought I heard afterwards 2 had not made it ?
It was awful -My older brother stated as we were entering the paddock what are those idiots about 100 of them doing , and then they started that chant .....oh he stated as we rushed in to see the carnage.....
it wasnt long really a few minutes and it was over with, seemed ages at the time @Joey66 first sign of trouble was an Everton fan coming passed me with a bloody nose from downstairs by the paddock side entrance, he went straight up to the middle and said there are Millwall here,and led the masses back in that direction, the Millwall were directly in front of me be this time, i just sat there in the middle of the mayhem on my perch on the barrier, how the hell i didnt get a stray dig or pushed off i dont know, i just hung of as best i could till it was over with, i was glad when it was all over with my bottle was well and truly gone , can still recall nearly every second of it even to this day.
Dont know what the Millwall were thinking off, later on some said London coppers thought that they were putting them in the paddock not the St End, but dont think thats true as all there fans were in the parkend not anywere else in the ground.
Wouldnt be suprised if are coppers put them in there on purpose if they had been playing up outside, special breed of coppers at Goodison, we and the away fans had to wary of them.
it wasnt long really a few minutes and it was over with, seemed ages at the time @Joey66 first sign of trouble was an Everton fan coming passed me with a bloody nose from downstairs by the paddock side entrance, he went straight up to the middle and said there are Millwall here,and led the masses back in that direction, the Millwall were directly in front of me be this time, i just sat there in the middle of the mayhem on my perch on the barrier, how the hell i didnt get a stray dig or pushed off i dont know, i just hung of as best i could till it was over with, i was glad when it was all over with my bottle was well and truly gone , can still recall nearly every second of it even to this day.
Dont know what the Millwall were thinking off, later on some said London coppers thought that they were putting them in the paddock not the St End, but dont think thats true as all there fans were in the parkend not anywere else in the ground.
Wouldnt be suprised if are coppers put them in there on purpose if they had been playing up outside, special breed of coppers at Goodison, we and the away fans had to wary of them.
They definitely were allowed in the Gladwys st on the side entrance as we were going into the paddock by the boys pen - the police were nowhere ...,.they were chanting were going to take the street end .....
They definitely were allowed in the Gladwys st on the side entrance as we were going into the paddock by the boys pen - the police were nowhere ...,.they were chanting were going to take the street end .....
Remember this . The few that came in got hammered. They never made it up the top of the stairs as they were shouting Millwallll. I remember the Everton fans hands moving up and down with you know what in their hands. They got stretched out along the paddock with some of the stabbed ones on the stretcher still giving the v signs. 11 got stabbed. Millwall forum says they were directed into that side of the street end by local coppers and just as the game started they shouted millwall and started to come up the stairs and then it was madness as Everton came at them with everything. They had a good few in the park end with one massive fat fella who the crowd targeted. A few millwall started to get over the barrier at the park end when the trouble started. Coppers soon battered them back. For me it was the first time a london club had brought fans to goodison. After the game they came out of the park end and started to walk up Walton lane towards lime street. They got close to the junction at Anfield road when they met a huge mob of Everton with reinforcements as liverpool were at home that day too. The millwall legged it back to goodison and scattered. I was about 15. Remember walking back to town and loads of them getting picked off. But mad thing is they wernt hiding. They were walking in 2 or 3s up scotland road talking away. lads didn't even have to ask have you got the time mate? Did think to myself this lot are mad ha. I saw a few told to take off their sheepskin coats and doc Martin's off as well. Think they remembered that day.

Remember this . The few that came in got hammered. They never made it up the top of the stairs as they were shouting Millwallll. I remember the Everton fans hands moving up and down with you know what in their hands. They got stretched out along the paddock with some of the stabbed ones on the stretcher still giving the v signs. 11 got stabbed. Millwall forum says they were directed into that side of the street end by local coppers and just as the game started they shouted millwall and started to come up the stairs and then it was madness as Everton came at them with everything. They had a good few in the park end with one massive fat fella who the crowd targeted. A few millwall started to get over the barrier at the park end when the trouble started. Coppers soon battered them back. For me it was the first time a london club had brought fans to goodison. After the game they came out of the park end and started to walk up Walton lane towards lime street. They got close to the junction at Anfield road when they met a huge mob of Everton with reinforcements as liverpool were at home that day too. The millwall legged it back to goodison and scattered. I was about 15. Remember walking back to town and loads of them getting picked off. But mad thing is they wernt hiding. They were walking in 2 or 3s up scotland road talking away. lads didn't even have to ask have you got the time mate? Did think to myself this lot are mad ha. I saw a few told to take off their sheepskin coats and doc Martin's off as well. Think they remembered that day.
Yep carnage that day worst I have seen at any blues game .....
Yep carnage that day worst I have seen at any blues game .....
Definitely inside the ground. Same year 72 man united brought a load to goodison. That was the worst I saw outside the ground. They walked back to lime street with no coppers in sight. They took an absolute beating. It never stopped all the way back to lime street. It even made look north on the Monday night. The first time I ever saw anything on the tv about hooliganism.
Yep carnage that day worst I have seen at any blues game .....
This was on the millwall forum after the trouble last year

Today's violence goes back to Goodison 1973 when 7 Millwall fans were stabbed (national news) Millwall still talk about it as their darkest day. I remember graffiti near the old Den that read: "If there's a God give us Everton in the cup". The hatred is now third generation

— Dave Kirby (@DaveKirby01) January 26, 2019
Remember going to millwall away 88 89 season everyone had heard what at happened years before never been to a game with a earie atmosphere like that had a small section in the stands absolute carnage there still think it was all because the trouble at goodison years before

Since I’ve started going to games again over the last 2 years (long story) what has surprised me is how quiet the atmosphere has been; it’s appalling. Upsetting even.
I miss angry Goodison. I want it to again be a place of fear for opposing teams.
I’ve taken my gf last few seasons a few games and atmospheres been pretty pants most games, then il go the king power stadium to watch leicester (her team) and that’s the opposite
Remember fuming badly at Atkinson when Suarez arrived two seconds after the ball was won... And out came the red card. No wonder we never beat that lot with decisions like that.

Hansen hand ball
Penalty on Sharp 1-0 up 86 Final not given
Ablett on Nevin

It would be nice to steal one off them in the fashion they've become accustomed to.. with a little help from the officials. Watching them fume is always worth the entry fee.
Remember going to millwall away 88 89 season everyone had heard what at happened years before never been to a game with a earie atmosphere like that had a small section in the stands absolute carnage there still think it was all because the trouble at goodison years before
I was there that day. Scary stuff on coach once south of the river. Big hardcore Evertonians in their 30's/40's who looked genuinely nervous!

We were penned in the wire meshing standing section so was np action.

Millwall had a tradition of a handful attacking the tiny section of away fans in the stand on the side of the pitch. As per, at the final whistle about 4-5 Millwall lads sprang into about the 200 Everton in the stand (mostly players tickets, VIP) etc. They got battered. That Everton section then run the whole of that Millwall stand back (we only had about a quarter of it). Genuinely almost as proud of that as our Honours. I have never seen a set of lads so angry in all my life as the millwall in the standing section next to us. They were literally foaming at the mouth.
Also on angry Goodison. Its true that in big games most players, especially in the north west will say its the most intimidation ground in the country.

The closeness to the pitch helps but I genuinely feel it is that our supporters feel as committed/passionate about their club as any in the UK. Most surveys show this and that our supporters care least about the national team/others etc. We want solely for our club to win (and of course the Redsshyte to lose) and nothing else in football really matters.

I feel this is starting to fade however. You only have to read all the PC stuff on this forum to see the tribal nature of football is changing. The stuff about wanting to watch attractive football even if it is not winning football makes me want to weep. The tribals/angry side is in someways childish and primal but lets be honest when involved in it, its intoxicating and life affirming.

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