I understand, but my view is whether an ‘owner’ has £8b or $800b, a team will only ever be able to field 11 players and have another 11 or so in reserve. So is the 2nd best left back in the world going to be happy to spend at least 50% of their career on the bench because the best LB is keeping them out of the the team, or are they going to seek to be a starter elsewhere?
Notwithstanding having the two best players in the league for every position doesn’t always equate to the best team.
Man U have continued to spend eye watering amounts of money but hasn’t don’t them much good (nor our own splurge!)
Also in terms of restrictions, i agree in so much an owner should not be able to spend (or owe) so much money that it risks the future of the club if they somehow find their own finances somehow at risk. I said before about escrow accounts to cover any liabilities the owners commit their clubs too.