Just because the topic was around Peterson and the YouTube comments to his Muslim video, I’ll repost my earlier comment.
Quick summary.
Peterson aims to unite followers of the book (in this case the Abrahamic texts), and wants Muslims to stop fighting with each other, and with those of other religions. A noble aim, although I think peace in the Middle East may not be fully solved by this 6 minute vid.
A bit worryingly, it could be interpreted as a call for more recruits in the culture war that his career depends so highly depends on.
He talks about ‘the degenerate, woke, politically correct, neo-Marxists ideas which is part of a satanic impulse within’, which sounds maybe a touch hyperbolic, although for balance, he does say the individuals who carry those ideas are not the enemy.
The thrust of it is for the religious to stop their petty disagreements between each other and unite to fight against ‘the real problem’, which would be the culture war, woke, trans etc etc.
The comments are quite funny though, most are along the lines of ‘wow, this guy says we have more in common than what separates us, and if we communicate together then we can improve our relations. What an original idea, he’s a genius.’