Agreed, not signed on the dotted line. If Napoli decided to match his demands or improve their offer, then due to the fact that he hasnt signed anything, he is well within his rights to change his mind.
Doesnt mean esk was lying or pretending he was itk.
But again even if it does fall through it doesn't mean esk was wrong, he passes on what he is told which I know I am very greatful for
Thats how i feel, some of the many 12 year olds on here have been throwing their toys at anyone who isnt convinced Witsel and Mata are coming and they seem to think that those people are personally shitting on Esks doorstep, not true at all.
Hers an example There will have been ITKS on Chealsea sites saying Gerrard was definitely coming.....he didnt....but they werent wrong, he changed his mind......hence its wise to always be cautious......unless you are under 16, then it is your absolute right to wildly optimistic......but dont shout at the adults when they talk sense!