cliche-ridden cop-out answer that...or how come you're on here and not enjoying this sunny day of which you speak?
Got the squits mate.
Or how about you just wait till the 1st of september before you crusify the club?
cliche-ridden cop-out answer that...or how come you're on here and not enjoying this sunny day of which you speak?
Agree, and see my post above why we need new blood (and why they don't have to be 30m-rated)
Not even a semi on mate!
Agree, and see my post above why we need new blood (and why they don't have to be 30m-rated)
Got the squits mate.
Or how about you just wait till the 1st of september before you crusify the club?
Can the youth not fill in for those players and use the budget to buy players that can actually challenge the first team. Instead of blowing a chunk of it on squad players because our fans are getting there knickers in a twist.
if anyone called you what you want,they would probably get a ban lolCall me a negative nancy but I just can't see this one happening.
Maybe thats what Im going for....if anyone called you what you want,they would probably get a ban lol