Barton, Bellamy, McGeady

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Player Valuation: £25k
All linked...
Barton on a free
Bellamy on loan
McGeady for Bily plus £2.5m

I for one would see this as a successful summer if all came off.

1st game vs Spurs...


This with Arteta, Rodwell, Felli, Cahill in reserve (until 100%).
ballamy and barton in the SAME dressing room!

who would win!

McGeady for Bily plus £2.5m

Who gets the 2.5m?

Considering McGready is badly, badly gash and worth around 50p, it would be a horrible deal either way.

Oh this will happen.. We're bound to get all 3

I thought Bellamy was staying at Cardiff?
With Bellamy and Barton we have no chance of the Fair play award or whatever it is.

Either one would be a great signing though, especially Barton

I will repeat: I have zero, ZERO interest in having Barton here. This feels like being linked with a club because everyone knows we have no money. I also agree with previous posters on Bellamy - that feels wrong.
barton is available on a free and is quality, bellamy could also do a job as long as there was no fee involed

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