Confirmed Signing Beto

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Dom, Beto and Chermiti are all the same type of striker.

Not great if you need to change tactics.

We'll be very predictable
As opposed to what we have now?? I can give you a prediction without strikers we won't score goals that's how predictable we are as it stands today.
From the video clips he looks like exactly what we need. Most of his goals seem to be headers/ tap ins in and around the 6 yard box. Exactly the kind of chances that we've created lots of against Fulham and again yesterday. With McNeil on one side and Harrison on the other we might start to become a more fluent attacking unit. Still think we're in for a long struggle, but I'll be a lot more optimistic when those players in the team.

You knows this is going to be an Everton signing don’t you. I just feel it in my bones. He’s going to sign and then probably play against Doncaster where hes going to look good for about half an hour and then pick up and injury which keeps him out until Christmas. You just know it’s going to happen.
Lot of money for a player that has done nothing so far. English clubs are the dumbest in the world!
Been spotted at FF apparently.

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