Corporate cone layer
Actually after that planning application announcement part of me thinks that he is waiting for the stadium to be built so he can sell his remaining shares for big money and waddle off into the sunset.... or am I talking rubbishHe's Chairman for Life.
One of the conditions of Moshiri buying into the Club
….and no doubt they are all shacked up with gun totin' country singers?.
Actually after that planning application announcement part of me thinks that he is waiting for the stadium to be built so he can sell his remaining shares for big money and waddle off into the sunset.... or am I talking rubbish
No he didntBills dictatorship is finally over. He wanted to install his puppet Moyes in charge but he didn't get his way.
Well he’ll be sat next to Ancelotti and Moshiri... so that’s not exactly a Nostradamus-like prediction, is it?The fat gimp will be secretly devastated that his pal David isn't coming but will publicly laud the appointment of Ancelotti.
No doubt the camera will pan to him multiple times today.
The fat gimp will be secretly devastated that his pal David isn't coming but will publicly laud the appointment of Ancelotti.
No doubt the camera will pan to him multiple times today.
The fat gimp will be secretly devastated that his pal David isn't coming but will publicly laud the appointment of Ancelotti.
No doubt the camera will pan to him multiple times today.
The fat gimp will be secretly devastated that his pal David isn't coming but will publicly laud the appointment of Ancelotti.
No doubt the camera will pan to him multiple times today.