Drove me nuts to see Bellew with the directors hugging lampard, while the greatest living Evertonians is limited to tweets.
The ultimate 'old boy's club' with restricted access to those only with the best interests of Bill in mind. This stray dog's home image of the club is probably 99% of the reason Everton is in a shambles.
Nearly all appointments, both at senior level of admin. and coaching levels, have been made by this dead albatross hanging around the neck of this club because of this pure amateurish attitude of self-preservation.
These people have been selected by Bill purely to ensure unwavering loyalty. To Bill. True, they all do 'get' our club. However, the club they do 'get' was the club of 20 years ago. Until we are rid of these type of purely selfish appointments and bring in people who can actually 'get' results, this club will remain where it was 20 years ago.
Bill and I are of a similar age and my journeys to games is taking it's toll and I am completely wazzed off that I might not see the changes needed to push this, once, great club of ours forward. His ignorant selfishness is doing me in, whilst at the same time it is inspiring me to see it through to enjoy good times once again.
I don't wish to appear selfish by this comment, I really want for our younger fans to see success. Success we arl gits have witnessed, albeit all too infrequently, but, we have seen it, and it is incredible. Meanwhile, the young guns see nothing and have to suffer much ridicule from the 'great unwashed', yet still remain steadfastly loyal. They are the future of this club, and they must be given reason to believe.
Apologies for my rant. I will put away my soap box now (ask yer da').