This man is an utter disease. A wretched, useless, blubbering waste of space. He's brought nothing but failure and ruin to the club. Decades worth of his insufferable mediocrity fattened us up for this. Why would the players even bother trying when they know full well that failure comes with the territory at EFC and that the chariman considers finishing 7th "magnificent" and Knocking around mid-table to be "good times".
Kenwright one job to do. One single job. Find us an owner that would take us forward and not destroy the club. He failed in his job. Blatantly so. And he made us into a circus while doing it. All because he wanted to keep playing with his toy train set. That's the reason we'll get relegated and the reson the club is in ruin. That's the reason we're an unprofessional mess that prioritises the little old boys club culture and self-indulgent exhibitions over actually winning games of football.
We can blame Moshiri as much as we want but who brought him here? Who turned down endless opportunities of investment for years and years under the guise of due diligence only to happily surrender the club to an utter idiot who's long term plan for bringing success to the club is facially throws crap at the walls hoping that some of it would stick! This season is the combination of Kenwright's legacy here, decades worth of his losers mentality and blind acceptance of mediocrity have come home to roost.