Does anyone even listen or read what he says anymore.
Yes! The Mosh Man does because, as Chair of Everton F.C; Bill is the first contact with him. This a basic Boardroom protocol. Chain of command etc.
Bill, therefore, is the person informing Moshiri of events, how they happened, and what remedies have to be taken. Mosh will be informed of these in the manner Bill sees fit, and in anyway he sees fit. Moshiri will discuss events and between them come to a compatible solution. Might not be the best solution, but based on information received, it will be one of an acceptable one. As I stated, protocol.
When things fail, as it seems to on an all too frequent basis, Moshiri takes the brunt.
Moshiri is , therefore, hamstrung as he has indeed been seen to be the decision maker and cannot in any way blame Bill, even in part, for the outcome. Bill's job is safe.
The only other way is for a vote of no-confidence from the majority of the other board members. We all know why this won't happen, don't we.
A revolt by staff members could create unrest, but would be very damaging to an already delicate operation. As the majority of staff in key roles were given employment by Bill, this again will never happen.
We all thought these major appointments were 'jobs for the boys' and very lazy choices. They were, if fact, very definite choices, but will only benefit one person. Bill himself as all are either too loyal, or unsure of their employ should they be seen to 'rock the boat'. He is here until BMD pays out, for, as Chair, he would be entitled to a percentage of any part he would be involved regarding negotiation.
All points go South at this stage, and the only way out is a, very, hostile take-over.