Bill Kenwright

Should Kenwright step down as chairman?

  • yes

    Votes: 734 90.0%
  • no

    Votes: 82 10.0%

  • Total voters
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Them words really could have come from a dimly lit drawing room at the back of Brinsworth House.
All reminiscing and back-slappy prose.
It's just a character he plays Steve, deep down you know that, it's his trade, well worn.
I understand the reality is upsetting for you, it's like finding out Cliff Richard is on crack, or Angela Ripon pimped herself out for Werthers Originals backstage, image is all it is...
Tommy Doherty might have been talking about Everton in his time,
It was about 1988 last time he was a manager.
Before the jinx ran are club.
10 years ago, 15 years ago, 3 years ago, last doesn't matter. None of these opinions matter Steve.

The 100% fact/truth is that Kenwright has overseen the worst period in the clubs history so no story's about "what a well run club we are" is going to mask him running this club into the ground and it being a shadow of its former glory.

I don't need photos, dates or names, I have been unfortunate enough to witness with my own eyes the damage he has done and continues to do to this club.
You say quite rightly that 'none of these opinions matter' and then give your opinion. Whats the point of the forum, then?

His treatment of Southall alone should be enough for blues to run him out the club...a player that is in the same company as Dean and Ball and because he spoke out against the mediocrity that washed over the club while Kenwright has been in charge he's been black balled.

Southall gave the fans real memories not Kenwright telling fans outside GP good times where us just making up the numbers for 30 years.
He's never going to leave the club unless he's forced out. It's going to take the happy clappers turning on him to make a difference and that simply won't happen unless the doomsday scenario of relegation finally happens. Until then we'll just keep seeing him and Moshiri throw their patsys under the bus every time there's rumblings of discontent but nothing will change. Nothing can ever change for the better at Everton Football Club while it remains associated will Bill Kenwright.
It's amazing just how long this bloke has been allowed to stay at the top of our club for so long, thrived, and looks rock solid in it,.

Scousers have a rep for being no-nonsense types who can sniff out a blagger and bluffer a mile off, Kenwright is king of both, yet this guy has somehow enough support amongst the fanbase to keep him cozy in his beloved Chairmans seat. It's madness.

He would've been chased and hounded out years ago, dare I say it, across the park or any other big club with big expectations. Yet having had a position of power for 33 years now and took us nowhere, we're still no nearer to seeing the back of the man whose held this club back for decades for little more than selfish and egotistical reasons.

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