Hi @ForeverBlue92 mert@ForeverBlue92 /foreverblert92 still waiting on your evidence to back up those scurrilous lies you posted against me earlier.
Could you make it soon as I'm going to sleep soon.
Thanks in advance.
Kenwright and the rest of the board oot.
Hope you’re having a wonderful evening, considering you’ve gone fully after @malfosse here, would you like to make any comment on the below, and call out the real Kenwright bootlicker???
We all want you see you MMA chokehold this bootlicker and make him tap out
No im just greatful for the good work he did prior to Moshiri coming, but now like everyone else I want him to step aside because i dont think he can fix a broken Everton
If we get relegated it's nothing to do with Kenwright and everything to do with those who have overseen what's gone on over the last 7 years.
Moshiri and Usmanov
February 2016 Moshiri came to Everton, since then we have come
11th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 10th, 16th, 18th
Bills final seasons were
5th, 8th, 7th, 7th, 6th, 5th, 11th
Between 2005 and 2014 only once did we find ourselves outside the top 8 .... but yeah we declined under Bill....
Until he sold it to Moshiri who destroyed it.
Brilliant idea from Bill to bring the siren back, great theater
The fan reaction was disgusting and shamful, some of our fans are not worthy of a Premier League side to follow
What do you mean what about now? This is on Moshiri only, afterall he owns the club.....
He provided him with the players, something else Farhad gets wrong.
All that has been established is this mess is all on Moshiri, not Kenwright
Problem is while people are going on about Kenwright they are ignoring the real problems at Everton, which is on Moshiri.
Besides Kenwright shouldn't even still be here, Moshiri should of replaced him a few years ago, another failure of the owner
Yeah but so what if he invested 800 million, look at our squad, were is it, rather have 300 million and be organised with a plan.
Kenwright earned his money, Moshiri deserved to.lose his
By giving the club stability, by maintaining it as a Premier League club, two things Moshiri is taking away from us
It means Moshiri has flushed Everton down the toilet
Give me the good times over these bad times any day