Kenwright is utter scum. I don't say that lightly, I know its easy to say things online about a person that you'd never say about them in a real life conversation but I sincerely mean that. He's even lower than I've always thought him, he's typical of his kind. So long as your averge working man/woman doffs their cap, knuckles their foreheads and grovels accordingly then he's big, lovable, Bill Kenwright, all smiles and charm, patting heads and dishing out patronising and insincere soundbites. The second you dare to question him though, and not take his word as gospal, you become the enemy. Nothing more. You're an obstacle to destoryed by any means necessary, because how dare you not know your place! He's the worst of this country in a nutshell. A sneering elitist that will play along with those he deems beneath so long as they're useful to him.