Bill Kenwright

Stubbs deserves a round of applause. It's difficult to get heard when there is a defensive ring of arselickers protecting Kenwright, all on the club payroll of course!!
Southall more so....shut out one of our greats because he was a genuine threat with the truths he spoke.

It's about time blues started pushing for a Southall statue at BM when this horrid maggot finally leaves.
Although the other Board members were unbelievably incompetent and had to go , I would have been far more comfortable if Kenwright had been the first one out of the door.
I can see him trying just about anything to cling on.
I dread some form of "orchestrated" crisis being utilised , with him being the "hero" riding to the rescue.
The sooner he is gone , then we can move on from him , and he is consigned to the dustbin of history.
There is no way that Kenwright stays on. Zero.

Even if he’s given some meaningless title like life President or whatever, the fans wouldn’t have it.

I suspect he’ll never watch a match at Goodison again, in any capacity.

BMD’s corporate facilities might offer him the chance to watch from the shadows of a box, but I honestly can’t see him sitting in an Everton stand again.
