He's an utter coward and always has been, surely people realise this by now?
No way he turns up when he knows everyone's attention will be on him, he can't bare the scrutiny that would come with that. He's waiting until something happens that causes the mood amongst the fanbase to improve (new signings or good run of form) so he can slither back in low-key. Probably start off staying in the lounges and out of sight, entertaining his dwindling band of sycophants. Then when something else really big is going on he'll make a dash for his seat and act like as if he's never been away.
It can't be allowed. Any sight of him anywhere near Goodison, or BM when it opens, and absolute chaos must ensue. I wouldn't personally care if it meant the game having to be stopped for crowd disruption, he and the world must see just how strongly people feel.