I think this Sitticus pubescens - the "downy" jumping spider, female.

I can'tr fathom having 360* vision....I think this Sitticus pubescens - the "downy" jumping spider, female.
Okay I need a Canon EOS 70D and some sort of idea of how to use it, those pics are ridiculous.
Apart from those 3 things I am thereThe 70D combined with the Venus lens (and a half decent photographer) is the combination m8, a good DSLR should produce really good results but the lens makes the image (and the 'tog).
Just had a look, around £500Okay I need a Canon EOS 70D and some sort of idea of how to use it, those pics are ridiculous.
Okay I need a Canon EOS 70D and some sort of idea of how to use it, those pics are ridiculous.
Just had a look, around £500
Superb photos though, makes you want to get into photography