The now, sadly derelict, Church of St John, comprising of a chancel, nave, aisles and a tower, was built in the grounds of the County Lunatic Asylum, Whittingham.As with all Victorian Institutions of the day, religion played a great part and, it was to this end that a Church was built within the grounds and was named St John's.
The contract for the erection of a Church and a Chaplain's house was awarded in September 1871, estimated costings being £4,632.00 and £1,579. 8s 2d respectively.An organ was purchased and installed in the Church at a cost of £250. St John's Church was Church of England, and provision for Roman Catholics was made in a room set aside in one of the wards. In June 1875 the Church was licensed by the Bishop of Manchester.
The first hospital chaplain was the Rev W T Palmour. The Asylum cemetery was consecrated in 1895, again by the Bishop of Manchester and the chaplain was subsequently awarded 2/6d for each burial service performed.
Music: .J. Pachelbel - Canon in D Major (Arranged by Lee Galloway) performed by Kassia.